Thursday, April 24, 2008

An Evening with Dinish D'Souza

Linda & enjoyed a great evening with our good friends, Hal & Angela Ballard as we listened to Dinesh D'Souza speak at

Thank you also to Scott & Jana for your kindness and efforts in making that event successful!

We all found Dinesh a witty and powerful speaker with the uncanny ability to present world issues in an amazingly understandable light. His grasp on history, current events, and the Scriptures allowed him to provide an hour long presentation with no notes whatsoever at the podium.

Afterwards, he graciously answered some insightful and provacative questions with profound wisdom and wit! He even signed my copy of his book early since we had to leave shortly after the event.

1 comment:

Anders Branderud said...

You wrote in your website: "Salvation by GRACE alone,
Through FAITH alone,
In CHRIST JESUS aloneSalvation by GRACE alone,
Through FAITH alone,

I want to comment about atonement.

(le-havdil) How to live in order to enable the Creator in His loving kindness to provide His kipur –atonement- is outlined in Tan’’kh ; and was also taught by the first century Ribi Yehoshua from Nazareth (the Mashiakh; the Messiah).

Read it here: